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If you wish to obtain this audio CD, please contact Abraham Ravett.


A sample of segments from the High Holy Days prayers chanted by Shlomo Barnoon

For more than fifty years, Shlomo Barnoon has been acting as a "shaliach tzibur," a "representative of the public" leading prayers on weekdays, shabbat and holidays in a number of congregations in Israel and the United States. Some large congregations employ a "chazan" or cantor who is a professional musician to lead their communities in prayer. Most smaller congregations, however, appoint a "shaliach Tzibur," a member of the community who is familiar with the prayers and their traditional melodies to lead the service. This collection represents traditional eastern European tunes of sections from the Rosh Hashannah and Yom Kippur service.

—Sholo Barnoon, 12/15/12



  1. קול נדרי — Kol Nidrei

  2. Beginning of מעריב — The start of the evening service.

  3. חצי קדיש — Hatzi Kaddish before the Amidah of the evening service.

  4. יעלה תחנוננו - סליחות — The next is a piyut called Ya'aleh Tahanuneinu may'erev. This is in the evening service of Yom Kippur.

  5. לברית הבט - סליחות — This is another piyut from the evening service of Yom Kippur. It is called Labrit habet ve'al tefen layetzer.

  6. סלח לנו — This is a piyut from the evening service of Yom Kippur and it is usually sung by the entire congregation.

  7. שלש עשרה מדות — Selihot for evening service of Yom Kippur.

  8. קדיש שלם — Kaddish Shalem, the complete Kaddish, the conclusion of the evening service of Yom Kippur.

  9. שחרית — We'll start with the beginning of the Shaharit service, the morning service for the high holidays.

  10. חזרת הש"ץ אבות — Repetition of the Amiddah for the high holidays, beginning of the repetition.

  11. אל מלא רחמים — I am doing the El Maleh Rahamim in memory of the six million who were destroyed in Europe.

  12. ונתנה תקף — Oo'Netaneh Tokeff which is a piyut—a prayer, that is attributed to Rabbi Amnon of (Meinz) Magenza, who was tortured by the local bishop, on his deathbed he asked to be brought to the synagogue, and just before he died he said this prayer.

  13. קדשה — This is the Kedusha in the repetition of the amidah on high holidays.

  14. זכרונות — It's the repetition of the Amida in the Mussaf of Rosh Hashannah in a section called Zichronot (remembrance).

  15. El Maleh Rahamim — Sound track from A. Ravett's film, In Memory (1993)


Charles Reznikoff, Reading "Holocaust"


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